fluffy and extra thick..
extra long and extra large..
kitchen towels.. your hands deserve it! :o)
Petals & Berries
“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
fluffy and extra thick..
extra long and extra large..
kitchen towels.. your hands deserve it! :o)
Petals & Berries
Three years ago God blessed us with the most wonderful little baby boy. Our love for him overflowed from the moment he was flipped onto my tummy seconds after being born. I thought we could not love him more. And boy, was I wrong.. we love him more and more everyday. And he has turned out to be a charming, considerate, even-tempered little boy.
collecting leaves and rocks..
spending time in the water with papa (I can spend the whole day watching my two boys having fun in the water!)..
having a quiet moment taking it all in..
Oh, and my little mermaid had lots of fun in the water too :o)..
Happy Birthday, Sayang Mama..
A thousand hearts are just too few to hold all the love I have for you..
May Allah keep you in his care always.. Amin.
Nighty night, sweet dreams, sleep tight (ssshhh.. he would probably disown ME when he's much older if he ever finds out I put him in a polka dotted pyjamas on his birthday, haha)..
Petals & Berries
Satin and organza ruffles and ribbons.. what else could you ask for? Ohhh.. let me see, I also made this 'bunga pahar' to match.. just light touches of dusky pink in the hydrangeas and ribbons.. sweet!
Do you like it? I miss making all these fancy shmancy wedding stuff but sometimes my limited time for crafting just does not allow it :o( . Oh well, priorities, priorities.. such is life! :o)
Petals & Berries
See those tiny roses right on top? It took a whole lot of patience to apply those as it's a curved surface and took quite a bit of strategic cuts to make it look presentable. And it doesn't help when you have a toddler hanging on to your legs asking "whatchoo doin, mama?" every two seconds whilst you are applying them :o) (patience, patience).
Don't they look much better now?
Now that I have a complete set, it made a happy start to the new year :o) (aren't I easy to please? hehe) . I've been asked by quite a few colleagues and friends on whether I'm willing to sell these. Unfortunately, I'm running out of decals (and those came all the way from the US). However, with what I have left I can just about make one other set of 5 spice jars to sell. Each jar measures 2 inches in diameter and is about 4 inches high. To be fair, this is what I'll do: E-mail me at, state your offer (don't forget to leave your name and contact deatils!), price starts at RM29.90 for a set of 5 jars (trust me, this is below cost price :o)) [excluding postage] and the highest offer wins! And since I have a grand total of maybe.. ehem.. 2 readers of my blog, you would have a very good chance :o). Offers close on midnight, 9 January 2009 and the winner will be announced on 10 January 2009. Oh yes, I'll be adding a little rose porcelain spoon to the set as a bonus!
Salam Maal Hijrah and Happy New Year
from my family to yours!
May this year bring peace, happiness and good health.
Petals & Berries