I should tell you about the acrylic paints that I use. It's none of those fancy brands, that's for sure. That's because I have never had the chance to go for proper classes so I figured I better not waste on expensive paints and just went for some unnamed brand. The colours are pretty funny though (or mind boggling, rather!), cause "burnt umber" is really dark brown and "vermillion" looks orange.. you get what I mean.. so it is pretty challenging to mix them up to get exactly the colours I have in mind.
You can imagine how ecstatic I was when, whilst mixing cluelessly, this sweet green came up to coordinate perfectly with the colours on the napkin I intended to use :o).
By the way, I have some pretty napkins which I have purchased in a pack for my projects, so I have some extras, I'll be putting them up for sale so if you're interested, please check back soon ! :o)
Petals & Berries
Dura..it so nice. Kalo dah minat decoupage ni kan...semua benda kita nak decoupage,kan? Hihi...kalo dh xde benda nak decoupage ni mesti Fahmi pun x terlepas...hihi. Just joking. Anyway...cntik sangat ur rolling pin. Very different n uniq :)
Thanks Dodie.. you are creative too.. no one at home dares to keep still for long, takut dicat/didecoupage.. hehe. Take care!
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